Security For Machine Builders
- All communications are based on SSL Certificates.
- In order to access SimpLinx Remote Devices you will need SSL certificate & also USB Dongle.
- All network traffic except yours are blocked by integrated Firewall.
- All office network traffic to your devices are blocked by SimpLinx integrated Firewall.
- If you need to use more than one USB Dongle, you can define one of them as master.
- SimpLinx has integrated user management capabilities.
- You can cancel/delete slave USB Dongle when you need to.
Security for Plant & IT managers
- SimpLinx uses integrated Firewall for all connections.
- Only registered machine builder can connect SimpLinx Devices.
- All other connection requests will be blocked by integrated Firewall.
- Machine builders have to use SSL Certificate & USB Dongle for SimpLinx devices.
- SimpLinx Devices always blocks internet access of devices such as PLC,Panel & PC which are connected to LAN interfaces.
- PLCs,Panels & PCs which are connected to LAN interface of SimpLinx don’t have access to office network.